Do the Right Thing
Do the Right Thing
United States of America, 1989, 120 min
Drama / Filme
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Director:Spike Lee
Stars:Danny Aiello, Spike Lee, Ossie Davis, Richard Edson, John Turturro, Ruby Dee, Bill Nunn, Giancarlo Esposito, Rosie Perez, Roger Guenveur Smith, Samuel L. Jackson, Paul Benjamin, Frankie Faison, Robin Harris, Joie Lee, Miguel Sandoval, Rick Aiello, Steve Park, Ginny Yang, John Savage, Steve White, Martin Lawrence, Leonard L. Thomas, Christa Rivers, Frank Vincent, Luis Antonio Ramos, Richard Habersham, Gwen McGee, Sherwin Park, Shawn Elliott, Diva Osorio, Chris Delaney, Angel Ramirez Jr., Sixto Ramos, Nelson Vasquez, Travell Lee Toulson, Joel Nagle, David E. Weinberg, Yatte Brown, Mecca Brunson, Shawn Stainback, Soquana Wallace, Erik Dellums, Nicholas Turturro
Production:40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks
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