xXx² - The Next Level
xXx: State of the Union
United States of America, 2005, 101 min
Action / Adventure / Filme
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Director:Lee Tamahori
Stars:Ice Cube, Samuel L. Jackson, Willem Dafoe, Scott Speedman, Peter Strauss, Xzibit, Michael Roof, Sunny Mabrey, Nona Gaye, John Gleeson Connolly, Ramon De Ocampo, Barry Sigismondi, J. Anthony Brown, Bruce Bruce, David Rountree, Ned Schmidtke, Lisa Joyner, Gina St. John, Michael Don Evans, Brian Larsen, Jeanne Sakata, Jeffrey Moon, Todd Louiso, Matt Gerald, Eddy Shalita, J.J. Perry, Sarah Mack
Production:Revolution Studios, Original Film, Columbia Pictures
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